To Make Elder Wine Recipe
Ingredients, two gallons of elderberries, two quarts of damsons, eight
pounds of raw sugar, at 4-1/2d. per pound, two gallons of water, two
ounces of ginger, one ounce of cloves, and half a pint of fresh yeast.
To make this quantity of elder wine, you must have a copper, a tub, a
large canvas or loose flannel bag, and a five-gallon barrel. First,
crush the elderberries and damsons thoroughly in the pot or copper in
which they are to be boiled; then add the water, and keep stirring all
together as it boils, until the fruit is well dissolved; then use a
wooden bowl or a basin to pour the whole into a loose flannel bag,
steadily fixed across two stout sticks, resting safely on two chairs,
or, if you have one, a large coarse sieve instead. When all the liquor
has passed through into the tub, put the dregs back into the copper, to
be boiled up with a couple of quarts of water, and then to be strained
to the other liquor. The next part of the process is to put the whole of
the elderberry juice back into the clean pot or copper, with the sugar,
and the spice, well bruised with a hammer; stir all together, on the
fire, and allow the wine to boil gently for half an hour, then pour it
into the clean tub to cool; the half-pint of yeast must then be added,
and thoroughly mixed by stirring. At the end of two days, skim off the
yeast which, by that time, will have risen to the surface. The elder
wine must now be put into the barrel, and kept in the cellar with the
bung-hole left open for a fortnight; at the end of this time, a stiff
brown paper should be pasted over the bung-hole, and after standing for
a month or six weeks, the wine will be ready for use. To be obliged to
buy all the ingredients for making elder wine, would render it a matter
of great difficulty--perhaps, in some cases, an impossibility; but,
remember, that when living in the country, where in some parts
elderberries grow in the hedge-rows, you may have them for the trouble
of gathering them, in which case the elder wine would be cheaper, and
more easily within your means.