Cut in slices the remains of any cold meat, such as pork, beef, veal,
ham, or mutton. Melt in a pan a bit of salt butter the size of a walnut,
and put in it an onion cut into fine slices; let it get brown in the hot
butter. In another pan put a larger piece of butter rolled in a soup-
spoonful of flour; add to it the onion and butter, and add enough water
to prevent the sauce from getting very thick. Add, if you wish it, a
teaspoonful of meat-extract and a pinch of salt. Have ready some mashed
potatoes, but let them be very light. Place the slices of meat in a
fireproof dish, pour the sauce on them, then the mashed potatoes, and put
the dish in the oven, all well heated through. This is called in Belgium
"_un philosophe_."