Take two chickens; skin them; take out the lungs and wash them
thoroughly; put them in a stewpan with some parsley. Add a quart of veal
jelly, and stew them in this for one hour over a very slow fire. Then
take out the chickens, and put a penny roll to soak in the liquor; take
all the flesh of the chickens from the bones, and pound it in a mortar,
with the yolk of three eggs boiled hard. Add the bread (when soaked
enough) and pound it also with them; then rub the whole finely through a
sieve. Add a quart more jelly to the soup, and strain it through a
sieve; then put the chicken to the soup. Set a quart of cream on the
fire till it boils, stirring it all the time; when ready to serve, pour
that into the soup and mix it well together. Have ready a little
vermicelli, boiled in a little weak broth, to throw into the soup, when
put into the terrine.