White Soup No 2 Recipe
Have good stock made of veal and beef; then take about a pound of veal,
and the like quantity of ham, cut both into thin slices, and put them
into a stewpan, with a pint of water and two onions cut small. Set it on
the fire and stew it down gently, till it is quite dry, and of a rather
light brown colour; then add the stock, and let it all stew till the
veal and ham are quite tender. Strain it off into the stewpot; add a
gill or more of cream, some blanched rice boiled tender, the quantity to
your own judgment, the yolks of six eggs beaten up well with a little
new milk: let the soup be boiling hot before the eggs are added, which
put to it by degrees, keeping it stirring over a slow fire. Serve it
very hot: to prevent curdling, put the soup-pot into a large pot of
boiling water, taking care that not the least drop of water gets in, and
so make it boiling hot.