Broiled Mushrooms Recipe
Select large flap mushrooms for broiling. Wash, skin and stem them, lay
them on a dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour a little olive
oil over each mushroom, let them stand one hour. Broil on a gridiron
over a nice clear fire. Place on a dish and serve with the following
sauce: Prepare the stock as before by boiling the stems and skins in
water and then straining. Mince two or three mushrooms fine, add to the
stock, with a teaspoonful of minced parsley, a few drops of onion juice,
a small lump of butter, cook for fifteen minutes, then add a cupful of
cream, an even teaspoonful of flour wet with some of the cream and
rubbed smooth. Let it all cook together for three minutes, then add the
beaten yolk of an egg, stir well, remove from the fire at once and