
Cream Of Lettuce Recipe

Take two heads of nice, fresh lettuce, wash and drain and chop fine with

half a small white onion, put in a saucepan with two heaping

tablespoonfuls of butter, cook for about ten minutes, stirring all the

time, then add two heaping tablespoonfuls of rice and a quart of milk.

Let it boil for twenty minutes until the rice is perfectly tender,

remove from the fire and press through a puree sieve, using a small

potato masher, then strain and press again through a fine hair sieve;

this will make it smooth. Season with salt to taste and a dash of

cayenne pepper, and a small half teaspoonful of sugar. Put in a fresh

saucepan, rub together two heaping teaspoonfuls of butter and an even

teaspoonful of cornstarch and stir into the soup. Let it come to the

boiling point and remove from the fire, adding at the last moment a

quarter of a cupful of whipped cream. Serve with or without fried




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