
Cake Madeleine Recipe

(Pasta Maddalena)

Sugar, four and a half ounces,

Flour, three ounces,

Butter, one ounce,

Egg-yolks, four,

Whites of eggs, three,

A pinch of bi-carbonate of soda,

A taste of lemon peel.

First mix and stir the yolks with the sugar and when they have become

whitish, add the flour and stir for fifteen minutes more. Mix with the

butter, melting or softening it fine if it is hard and finally add the

whites when they are well beaten. The flour must be previously dried in

the sun or on the fire.

This cake may be given different shapes, but keep it always thin and in

little volume. It can be put in little molds greased with butter and

sprinkled with flour, or else in a baking tin, keeping it not more than

half an inch thick, and cutting it after baking in the shape of diamonds

and dusting with powdered sugar.



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