
Mantua Tart Recipe

(Torta Mantovana)

Flour, six ounces.

Sugar, six ounces.

Butter, five ounces.

Sweet almonds and pine-seeds, two ounces.

One whole egg.

Four egg-yolks.

A taste of lemon peel.

First work well with a ladle the eggs with the sugar, then pour the

flour little by little, still stirring, and finally the butter,

previously melted in a double steamer (bain-marie). Put the mixture in a

pie-dish greased with butter and sprinkled with flour or bread crumbs

ground. On top put the almonds and the pine-seeds. Cut the latter in

half and cut the almonds, previously skinned in warm water, each in

eight or ten pieces. This tart must not be thicker than one inch, so

that it can dry well in the oven, which must not be too hot.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve cold.



Viewed 1981 times.

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