French Loaf Cake Recipe
From MISS FRANCES S. IVES, of Connecticut, Lady Manager.
One pound of sugar, two pounds of flour, three eggs, one-fourth pound
citron, one pound of butter, one pint of milk, one pound of raisins,
one good-sized wine glass rum or brandy, one-half nutmeg, one cup
yeast, cream one-half butter and sugar; mix this with all the flour,
yeast and milk; let this mixture stand in a warm place until quite
light, then add the remaining half of butter and sugar creamed and the
eggs beaten very light; then let the mixture stand in a warm place
until again very light; then add rum, raisins, citron and nutmegs then
put into pans for baking, letting it remain out of oven until very
light again. This makes three loaves. Bake about one hour.