French Stew Recipe
(Stufato alla francese)
Prepare on the bottom of the saucepan a layer of thin slices of ham, on
which place several little cubes also of bacon. In the middle place a
bunch of parsley, and around this some cloves, half an onion sliced, a
few carrots in little cubes several young onions, bay-leaf, salt, and
On this bed lay the meat that may be larded with bacon or ham and
seasoned with salt, pepper and a taste of cinnamon. Pour on the meat two
cups of soup stock or water and one cup of white wine. Cover the
saucepan hermetically and cook on a very low fire for five hours.
When the stufato is to be served cold, the gravy is to be rubbed
through a sieve before it gets cold.
Note.--In these and similar dishes we have indicated the use of
wine, which is a common ingredient, in small quantities in Italian
and French cooking. This, however, can always be dispensed with if
its taste is not appreciated, or for any other reason.