Indian Curry Of Vegetables Recipe
Equal quantities of cauliflower and potatoes, raw. The cauliflower cut
into flowerettes and the potatoes into dice. Put them into a spider
with a heaping tablespoonful of butter, a rounded teaspoonful of curry
powder, and let them simmer for a few minutes without taking color. Then
add two tablespoonfuls of tomatoes, an even teaspoonful of grated onion
and one of chopped green pepper, fill up the spider with boiling water,
and set it back on the stove where it will stew gently until the
vegetables are tender and the water has been reduced to one-third the
quantity. It should be as thick as ordinary gravy; if not, add a scant
teaspoonful of flour. Just before it is done stir in a heaping
tablespoonful of butter. Turn it into a shallow vegetable dish and serve
very hot. The spider should be kept covered while the curry is cooking.
It is very good without the green pepper. This may be warmed over, and
is better the second day than the first.