Lattughe Al Sugo Lettuce Recipe
Ingredients: Lettuce, Parmesan, bacon, stock, butter, croutons of bread,
Take off the outside leaves of a lettuce, blanch and drain them well.
Put on each leaf a mixture of grated Parmesan, salt, little bits of
chopped bacon or ham, add a little good stock, cover over with buttered
paper, and cook in a hot oven for five minutes. Then drain off the stock
and roll up each leaf with the bacon, put them on croutons of fried
bread and pour some good thick gravy over them.
No. 171 Lattughe farcite alla Genovese (Lettuce)
Ingredients: Lettuce, forcemeat of fowl or veal, ham, Espagnole sauce.
Prepare a lettuce as above, and spread on each leaf a spoonful of
forcemeat of fowl or veal, add a little cooked ham chopped up, roll
up the leaves, and cook as above. Drain them on a cloth, arrange them
neatly on a dish, and pour some good Espagnole sauce (No. 1) over them.