
Marinaded Cutlets Recipe

Cut a pound of the best end of neck of mutton into cutlets, allowing two

cutlets for each bone, beat them with a cutlet bat and trim them

neatly. Let them soak for an hour in a marinade made by mixing six

tablespoonfuls of red wine vinegar, one tablespoonful of olive oil, half

a teaspoonful of salt, six bruised peppercorns, a minced onion, a sprig

of thyme, and a bayleaf. At the end of the hour drain the cutlets, and

dredge them with flour to dry them. Brush over each one with beaten egg,

and roll it in bread-crumbs; repeat the egging and breadcrumbing a

second time, and, if possible, leave them for an hour for the crumbs to

dry on. Half fill a deep pan with frying-fat, and when it is heated, so

as to give off a pale blue vapor, place the cutlets carefully in the

pan, and when they float on top of the fat and are of a rich brown

color, they are sufficiently cooked, and must be taken from the fat and

drained on kitchen paper before being served _en couronne_, or on a

mound of mashed potatoes, green peas, French beans, or Brussels sprouts.

Veal cutlets, fillets of beef, fillets of white fish, or cutlets of cod

or hake, are excellent when prepared by the same method. (English




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