Fifteen-cent soup bone, three quarts water, half a small cabbage cut
very fine, three large potatoes, two good-sized carrots, two turnips,
one medium-sized onion, three teaspoonfuls salt, one-half teaspoonful
pepper, a little celery and green pepper. Put on in cold water with all
vegetables except potatoes. Cook very slowly one hour. Do not cover
closely. At the end of one hour add potatoes and cook an hour longer.
Put in two or three tomatoes when potatoes are added, if liked.
One-half can tomatoes strained, one quart milk, one-third cup butter,
one tablespoonful cornstarch, one teaspoonful salt, one salt-spoon
pepper, heat milk in double boiler. Mix smoothly one tablespoonful
butter, cornstarch and seasoning, add hot milk slowly. Boil ten minutes
and add remainder of butter and strained tomatoes. Serve immediately.