Fruit Roll Recipe
One pint flour, one tablespoonful sugar, one teaspoonful baking powder,
pinch of salt, rounding tablespoonful lard, milk enough to roll. Roll in
a long piece and put fruit (ripe or canned peaches, apricots,
raspberries, blackberries or cherries) in center, then put the two sides
together, a little water will make it stick; turn over and put in pan.
Butter the top, take one-half cup sugar and one tablespoonful flour, mix
thoroughly and pour into this the juice of the fruit or a little boiling
water. Put a little of this on the top, also a little nutmeg. When half
baked, pour in the sugar and flour, water or juice of fruit. Bake about
one-half hour, when done baste with the juice. Serve with cream and