
Paste For Frying Recipe

(Pastella per fritto)

Dilute three teaspoonfuls of flour with two teaspoonfuls of oil. Add two

eggs, a pinch of salt, and mix well. This mixture will take on the

aspect of a smooth cream and is used to glaze fried brains, sweetbreads

and the like. All these things are first to be scalded in boiling salt

water. Add a pinch of salt and one of pepper when taking from the water.

The brains, sweetbreads etc. are then to be cut in irregular pieces,

thrown into the paste, or cream, described above and fried in oil or

good lard.

In frying these are often united to liver or veal cutlets. The liver

must be cut in very thin slices and the cutlets beaten with the side of

a big knife and given a good shape. Season with salt and pepper, dip in

beaten egg and after a few hours sprinkle with bread crumbs and fry.

Serve with lemon.



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