Peas With Onion Sauce Recipe
(Piselli alla francese)
The following recipe is good for one of fresh peas. Take two young
onions, cut them in half, put some stems of parsley in the middle and
tie them. Then put them into the fire with a piece of butter and when
they are browned, pour over a cup of soup stock. Make it boil and when
the onions are softened rub them through a sieve together with the gravy
that you will then put on the fire with the peas and two whole hearts of
lettuce. Season with salt and pepper and let it simmer. When the peas
are half cooked add another piece of butter dipped in a scant
tablespoonful of flour and pour in some broth, if necessary. Before
sending to the table put in two yolks of eggs dissolved in a little
The following recipe is simpler than the preceding, but not so delicate.
Cut an onion in very thin slices and put it on the fire in a saucepan
with a little butter. When it is well browned add a pinch of flour, mix
and then add according to the quantity, a cup or two of soup stock or
water with bouillon cubes and allow the flour to cook. Put in the peas,
season with salt and pepper and add, when they are half cooked, one or
two whole hearts of lettuce. Let it simmer, seeing that the gravy is not
too thick.
Before serving remove the lettuce.