To Candy Orange-flowers Recipe
Take the Flowers full blown, pick the white Leaves, and put them in
Water an Hour or two; then put them into boiling Water, letting them
boil 'till they are tender; then drain them from that Water, and let
them lye in cold Water, 'till you make a Syrup of very fine Sugar,
as much as you think will cover them; to a Pound of Sugar put three
Quarters of a Pint of Water; and when the Syrup is cold, put in the
Leaves, and let them lye all Night; scald them the next Day, and let
them lye in the Syrup two or three Days; then make a Syrup, (if you
have a Pound of the Flowers) with a Pound and Half of fine Sugar and
half a Pint of Water; boil and skim it, and when it is cold, drain
the Flowers from the thin Syrup, and put them in the Thick; let them
lye two or three Days; then make them just hot, and in a Day or two
more lay them out on Glasses: Spread them very thin, sift them with
fine Sugar, and put them in a Stove: Four or five Hours will dry
them on one Side; then scrape them on Paper with the wet Side
uppermost, and set them in the Stove 'till they are almost dry; then
pick them asunder, and let them be in a Stove 'till they are quite
dry: You may put some of them in Jelly, if you like it.