Take two Ounces of Ising-glass, steep it all Night in Rose-Water;
then take it out of the Water and put to it a Quart of Milk, and
about six Laurel Leaves, breaking the Leaves into two or three
Pieces; boil this 'till all the Ising-glass is dissolv'd, and the
Milk diminish'd to less than a Pint; then put to it a Quart of
Cream, letting it boil about half an Hour; then strain it thro' a
thin Strainer, leaving as little of the Ising-glass in the Strainer
as you can; sweeten it, and, if you like it, put in a little
Orange-Flower-Water; put it in a broad Earthen Pan, or China Dish;
the next Day, when you use it, cut it with a Jagging-Iron in long
Slips, and lay it in Knots on the Dish or Plate you serve it up in.
Take a Pint of Cream, the Yolks of two Eggs, and about a Quarter of
a Pound of Sugar, boil'd with the Rind of a Lemmon cut very thin;
when it is almost cold, take out the Rind, and put in the Juice of a
large Lemmon, by Degrees, or it will turn, keeping it stirring 'till
it is quite cold.