
To Dry Apricocks In Quarters Or Halves Recipe

Take four Pound of the Halves or Quarters, pare them, and put to

them three Pound of Sugar fine beaten; strew some on them as you

pare them, and cover them with the rest; let them lye four or five

Hours; afterwards set them on a slow Fire, till the Sugar is melted;

then boil them, but not too fast, 'till they are tender, taking out

those that are first tender; and putting them in again, let them

have a Boil together; then lay a Paper close to them, scald them

very well, and let them lye a Day or two in the Syrup: Lay them on

earthen Plates, with as little Syrup to them as you can, turning

them every Day 'till they are dry; at last, lay them between Paper

in Boxes.



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