To Dry Currants In Bunches Or Loose Sprigs Recipe
When your Currants are ston'd and ty'd up in Bunches, take to a
Pound of Currants a Pound and half of Sugar; to a Pound of Sugar put
half a Pint of Water; boil your Syrup very well, and lay the
Currants into the Syrup; set them on the Fire, let them just boil,
take them off, and cover them close with a Paper; let them stand
'till the next Day, and then make them scalding hot; let them stand
two or three Days with the Paper close to them; then lay them on
earthen Plates, and sift them well with Sugar; put them into a
Stove; the next Day lay them on Sieves, but not turn them 'till that
Side drys, then turn them, and sift the other Side: When they are
dry lay them between Papers.