To Dry Goosberries Recipe
Take the large white Goosberries before they are very ripe, but at
full Growth, stone and wash them, and to a Pound of Goosberries put
a Pound and half of Sugar, beat very fine, and half a Pint of Water;
set them on the Fire; when the Sugar is melted, let them boil, but
not too fast; take them off once or twice, that they may not break;
when they begin to look clear, they are enough: Let them stand all
Night in the Pan they are boil'd in, with a Paper laid close to
them; the next Day scald them very well, and let them stand a Day or
two; then lay them on Plates, sift them with Sugar very well, and
put them in the Stove, turning them every Day 'till they are dry;
the third Time of turning, you may lay them on a Sieve, if you
please; when they are pretty dry, place them in a Box, with Paper
betwixt every Row.