
To Dry Grapes Recipe

Take the large Bell-Grapes, just before they are ripe; stone them in

Bunches, and put them into scalding Water, covering them close with

Vine-Leaves, and a Cover on the Pan; keep them in a Scald, putting

them on and off the Fire 'till they are green; then give them a Boil

in the Water, drain them on a Sieve, and to every Pound of Grapes

make a thick Syrup of a Pound and a Half of clarify'd Sugar; and

when the Syrup is cold, put in the Grapes, and scald them every Day

'till the Syrup is thick, but never let them boil; then lay them out

on Earthen Plates, and sift them very well with Sugar; dry them in a

Stove, and turn and sift them every Day.



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