
To Dry Oranges In Knots Or Lemmons Recipe

Rasp the Oranges or Lemmons with a sharp Knife, as thin and as small

as you can, and break the Rasping as little as you can, that the

Outside Rind may make but two or three Knots; then cut the Oranges,

and pick out all the Meat; and the white Rind makes another Sort of

Knots: Let both the Rinds lye two Days in a Sieve, or broad Pan,

before you boil them, or they will break; then put them in cold

Water, and boil them about an Hour; let them drain well from the

Water, and clarify as much single-refin'd Sugar as will cover them

very well; when the Syrup is cold put them in, and let them stand

four or five Days; dry them out as you use them; and when you take

any out to dry, boil them which you leave in the Syrup. They must be

candy'd out thus: Take as many as you desire to dry; the white

Halves must be cut in Rings, or Quarters, as you like them; then

take as much clarify'd Sugar as will cover them; boil them very fast

a great while, 'till the Sugar shall blow, which you may see, if you

put in a Ladle with Holes, and blow thro', you will see the Sugar

fly from the Ladle; then take it off, and rub the Candy against the

Pan Sides, and round the Bottom, 'till the Sugar looks Oily; then

put them out on a Sieve, to let the Sugar run from them; and as

quick as possible lay them in Knots on another Sieve; set them in a

Stove, they will be dry in an Hour or two: If you do but a few at a

Time, the Syrup you put to them at first will do them out. Whole

Oranges or Lemmons are done the fame Way, only boil the whole after

they are rasp'd, and cut a Hole at the Top, and pick out all the

Meat after they are boil'd, and before they are put in the Syrup;

and when they are laid on a Sieve to dry, put the Piece in again.



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