
To Make Apricock Clear-cakes Recipe

Take about three Dozen of Apricocks, pare them, and put thereto a

Pound of fine Sugar, and boil them to Pieces; then put to them two

Quarts of Codling-Jelly, boil them together very fast for a Quarter

of an Hour; run it thro' a Jelly-bag, and to a Pint of Jelly put a

Pound and half of Sugar, sifted thro' a Hair Sieve; while the Jelly

boils, shake in your Sugar, and let it scald 'till the Sugar is

melted; then put it thro' a thin Strainer, in a broad earthen Pan;

fill it in Pots, and dry it as other Clear-Cakes. If you would have

some with Pieces in them, cut some of your dry'd Quarters small; and

when the Strainer has taken off the Scum, take some of the Jelly in

a Pan, put in the Pieces, make it scalding hot again, and fill it




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