Scald the Fruit, dry it well from the Water, and rub it through a
Hair Sieve; stir it in a Pan over a slow Fire, 'till it is pretty
dry; the stiffer it is, the better; then take two Pound of fine
Sugar, sifted thro' an Hair Sieve, and a Spoonful of Gum-Dragon
steep'd very well, and strain'd, and about a Quarter of a Pound of
Fruit; mix it well with Sugar, beat it with a Biscuit-Beater, and
take the Whites of twelve Eggs, beat up to a very stiff Froth; put
in but a little at a Time, beating it 'till it is all in, and looks
as white as Snow, and very thick; then drop it on Papers, and put it
in an Oven; the Oven must be very cool, and shut up, to make them
rise: The Lemmon-Biscuit is made the same Way, only instead of Fruit
put in the Juice of three Lemmons; less will make two Pound; it must
have Juice enough to make it to a Paste, and the Rinds of two
Lemmons grated; and when it is beaten enough, put in a little Musk,
or Amber, and drop and bake it as other.