To Make Lemmon-jelly Recipe
Take four Lemmons, rasp the Rinds into a Pint and half of
Spring-Water, let it lye an Hour; and then put to it the Whites of
five Eggs well beaten, half a Pound of Sugar, and the Juice of four
Lemmons; when the Sugar is melted, strain it thro' a thin Sieve or
Strainer; then take a little Powder of Turmerick, ty'd up in a Piece
of Muslin, and lay it in a Spoonful of Water 'till it is wet; then
squeeze a little into the Jelly, to make it Lemmon-Colour, but not
too Yellow: Set it over the Fire, skim it, and when you see it
jelly, put it in Glasses; if it boil, it will not be amiss.