Either Morella or Carnations, stone the Cherries: To Morella
Cherries, take the Jelly of white Currants, drawn with a little
Water; and run thro a Jelly-bag a Pint and a half of the Jelly, and
three Pounds of fine Sugar; set it on a quick Fire; when it boils,
scum it, and put in two Pounds of the ston'd Cherries; let them not
boil too fast at first, take them off some Times; when they are
tender, boil them very fast 'till they jelly, and are very clear;
then put them in the Pots or Glasses. The Carnation Cherries must
have red Currants-Jelly; and if you can get no white Currants,
Codling-Jelly will serve for the Morella.