To Preserve Citrons Recipe
Take the largest Malaga Citrons, cut them in four Quarters, scrape
the Rind a little, but not all the Yellow off; cut out all the Meat;
lay them in Water all Night; then boil them very tender, and lay
them in Water another Night; then drain them very well, and to three
Pound of Citron take four Pound of fine Sugar and two Quarts of
Water; make the Sugar and Water just warm, put in the Citron, boil
it half an Hour, and set it by 'till the next Day; then boil it
'till it is very clear, and put in a Pound more of Sugar, just wet
with Water, boiling it fast 'till it is melted: Put in the Juice of
four Lemmons, and put it up in large Pots.