One quart tomatoes, one tablespoonful onion minced, one tablespoonful
parsley minced, one tablespoonful lean ham minced, one tablespoonful
butter, one pint water, six whole peppercorns, four whole cloves, one
bay leaf, salt-spoon paprika, one egg, one tablespoonful sugar. When the
whole mixture has thoroughly boiled, add sugar and salt to taste; brown
the onion and parsley in the butter, add to the other ingredients; boil
all ten minutes, then strain and cool; when perfectly cold stir in the
white of one egg, then beat thoroughly with Dover beater, place on stove
and stir constantly (to prevent egg from cooking) until the mixture
comes to a boil. Stand a few minutes on the back of the stove, strain
very carefully through a sieve covered with a cheese-cloth wrung out in
hot water. Serve hot. This will serve five persons.