
10 Broiled Mutton And Tomato Sauce Recipe

Take 6 tomatoes, cut and squeeze the juice out, put them in a pan with a

little onion, 1 clove, a blade of mace, a little parsley, salt, cayenne,

a half cup of gravy, and let them simmer gently until the tomatoes are

tender enough to pulp. Rub the whole through a sieve. Boil for a few

minutes and pour over some slices of mutton which have been salted and




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Other Recipes from December.

30 Eggs In Tomato Cases
1 Round Of Beef Southern Style
2 Nut Loaf
3 Sweet Potato Pone No 1
4 Breaded Sausage
5 Brown Betty
6 Chestnut Puree
7 Roast Clams
8 Scalloped Oyster Plant
9 Steamed Indian Pudding
10 Broiled Mutton And Tomato Sauce
11 Sausage Rissoles
12 Boudinettes
13 Eggs Cupped
14 Polish Salad
15 Baked Spanish Onions
16 Codfish With Potato Border
17 Scotch Broth
18 Oyster Stew No 1
19 Sweet Rice Balls
20 Stewed Eels
21 Beef Roll
22 Turnip Cream Soup
23 Oyster Croquettes
24 Sweet Potato Pone No 2