
24 Sweet Potato Pone No 2 Recipe

Peel and grate sufficient raw sweet potatoes to make 5 cupfuls. Add 3

cupfuls of best West Indian molasses, 2 cupfuls of butter, 1 cupful

each of preserved ginger and candied orange peel cut fine, 2

tablespoonfuls of mixed spices (cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves), 1

tablespoonful of ground ginger, 1 scant teaspoonful of salt. Mix all

well together, turn into a deep buttered earthen dish and bake slowly in

a moderate oven for from 2 to 3 hours, according to thickness. When done

a knife blade run down to the bottom of the dish will come out clean.

Serve hot, cutting in thick slices. It can be reheated 2 or 3 times if

necessary. This recipe is said to be over 200 years old "Table Talk,"




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24 Sweet Potato Pone No 2