Another Way To Stew Fish Recipe
Behold, the dishes due appear!
_Fish_ in the van, beef in the rear.
Ah! all the luxury of fish,
With scalding sauce.
Boil six onions in water till tender, strain, and cut them in slices.
Put your fish, cut in slices, in a stewpan with a quart of water, salt,
pepper, ginger and mace to suit taste; let it boil fifteen minutes; add
the onions, and forcemeat balls made of chopped fish, grated bread,
chopped onion, parsley, marjoram, mace, pepper, ginger and salt, and
five eggs beat up with a spoon into balls, and drop them into the pan of
fish when boiling; cover close for ten minutes, take it off the fire,
and then add six eggs with the juice of five lemons; stir the gravy very
slowly, add chopped parsley, and let it all simmer on a slow fire,
keeping the pan in motion until it just boils, when it must be taken off
quickly, or the sauce will break. A little butter or sweet oil added to
the balls is an improvement. If you meet with good success in the
cooking of this receipt, you will often have stewed fish.