
Scotch Haggis Recipe

Fair fa' your honest sonsie face,

Great chieftain o' the puddin' race;

Aboon them a' ye tak your place,

Painch, tripe, or thairm,

Weel are ye wordy of a grace

As langs my arm.

His knife see rustic labor dight,

An' cut you up with ready slight,

Trenching your gushing entrail bright

Like onie ditch,

And then, O! what a glorious sight,

Warm reekin' rich.

Ye powers wha mak mankind your care,

And dish them out their bill of fare,

Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware

That jaups in luggies,

But if ye wish her grateful pray'r,

Gie her a _Haggis_.


Make the haggis bag perfectly clean; parboil the draught, boil the liver

very well, so as it will grate, dry the meal before the fire, mince the

draught and a pretty large piece of beef, very small; grate about half

the liver, mince plenty of the suet and some onions small; mix all these

materials very well together with a handful or two of the dried meal;

spread them on the table, and season them properly with salt and mixed

spices; take any of the scraps of beef that are left from mincing, and

some of the water that boiled the draught, and make about a choppin

(_i. e._ a quart) of good stock of it; then put all the haggis meat into

the bag, and that broth in it; then sew up the bag; put out all the wind

before you sew it quite close. If you think the bag is thin, you may put

it in a cloth.

If it is a large haggis, it will take at least two hours boiling.

N. B. The above is a receipt from Mrs. MacIver, a celebrated Caledonian

professor of the culinary art, who taught and published a book of

cookery, at Edinburgh, A. D. 1787.



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