Pyramid Paste Recipe
You that from pliant _paste_ would fabrics raise,
Expecting thence to gain immortal praise,
Your knuckles try, and let your sinews know
Their power to knead, and give the form to dough;
From thence of course the figure will arise,
And elegance adorn the surface of your pies.
Make a rich puff paste, roll it out a quarter of an inch thick, cut it
into five or seven pieces with scalloped tin cutters, which go one
within another; leave the bottom and top piece entire, and cut a bit out
of the centre of the others. Place them upon buttered baking tins, and
bake them of a light brown. Build them into a pyramid, laying a
different preserved fruit upon each piece of paste, and on the top a
whole apricot with a sprig of myrtle stuck in it.