Baked Fillet Of Halibut Hollandaise Sauce Recipe
Wipe a small fillet of halibut and fasten with a skewer. Sprinkle with
salt and pepper, place in pan, cover with buttered paper and bake
twelve minutes. Serve with,
Hollandaise Sauce.--Put yolk of one egg, one tablespoon butter, and
one teaspoon lemon juice in a small sauce-pan. Put sauce-pan in a
larger one containing water, and stir mixture constantly with wooden
spoon until butter is melted. Then add one-half tablespoon butter, and
as the mixture thickens another one-half tablespoon butter; season
with salt and cayenne. This sauce is almost thick enough to hold its
shape. One-eighth teaspoon of beef extract, or one-third teaspoon
grated horseradish added to the first mixture gives variety to this