Pare and grate raw, mealy potatoes, and put to each pint of the potato
pulp a couple of quarts of cold water. Let it stand five hours, then
strain the water through a sieve, and rub as much of the potato pulp
through as possible--let the strained water stand to settle again--when
very clear, turn the water off from the dregs carefully. Put a clean
white cotton sheet on a perfectly clean table, lay on the shawl which
you wish to clean, and pin it down tight. Dip a sponge, that has never
been used, into the potato water, and rub the shawl with it till clean;
then rinse the shawl in clear water, with a tea-cup of salt to a pailful
of the water. Spread it on a clean, level place, where it will dry
quick--if hung up to dry, the colors are apt to run, and make the shawl
streaked. Fold it up while damp, and let it remain half an hour, then
put it in a mangler--if you have not one, wrap it in a clean white
cloth, and put it under a weight, and let it remain till dry. If there
are any grease spots on the shawl, they should be extracted before the
shawl is washed.