To Cleanse Feather Beds And Mattresses Recipe
When feather beds become soiled or heavy, they may be made clean and
light by being treated in the following manner: Rub them over with a
stiff brush, dipped in hot soap-suds. When clean, lay them on a shed, or
any other clean place, where the rain will fall on them. When thoroughly
soaked, let them dry in a hot sun for six or seven successive days,
shaking them up well, and turning them over each day. They should be
covered over with a thick cloth during the night; if exposed to the
night air, they will become damp, and mildew. This way of washing the
bed ticking and feathers, makes them very fresh and light, and is much
easier than the old-fashioned way of emptying the beds, and washing the
feathers separately, while it answers quite as well. Care must be taken
to dry the bed perfectly, before sleeping on it. Hair mattresses that
have become hard and dirty, can be made nearly as good as new by ripping
them, washing the ticking, and picking the hair free from bunches, and
keeping it in a dry, airy place, several days. Whenever the ticking gets
dry, fill it lightly with the hair, and tack it together.