
To Make Almond-loaves Recipe

Beat a Pound of Almonds very fine, mix them well with three Quarters

of a Pound of sifted Sugar, set them over the Fire, keep them

stirring 'till they are stiff, and put in the Rind of a Lemmon

grated; make them up in little Loaves, shake them very well in the

Whites of Eggs beat to a very stiff Froth, that the Egg may hang

about them; then put them in a Pan with about a Pound of fine sifted

Sugar, shake them 'till they are well cover'd with the Sugar; divide

them if they stick together, and add more Sugar, 'till they begin to

be smooth, and dry; and when you put them on Papers to bake, shake

them in a Pan that is just wet with White of Eggs, to make them have

a Gloss: Bake them after Biscuit, on Papers and Tin-Plates.



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