
2 Halibut Rechauffe Recipe

Cut an onion into a saucepan, add a cup of water, a little mace and

parsley. When thoroughly boiled, add 1 cup of cream or milk, 1 small

spoonful of butter, 1 tablespoonful of flour, and strain all through a

sieve. Take cold halibut, remove the bones and skin, and flake it,

butter a dish and put in a layer of fish then one of the dressing,

alternately, until the dish is full. Put grated bread crumbs on top and

bake half an hour.



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Other Recipes from March.

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2 Halibut Rechauffe
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4 Coffee Fritters
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6 Roast Pigeons With Bread Sauce
7 Oyster Chartreuse
8 Potatoes Au Gratin
9 Mutton Kidneys
10 Beefsteak And Kidney Pudding
11 Hot Pot
12 Lobster Patties
13 Curried Fowl
14 Minced Collops
15 Crescent Croquettes
16 German Way Of Cooking Chickens
17 Breast Of Lamb Broiled
18 Onion Soup
19 Saratoga Corn Cake
20 Clam Pie No 1
21 Collared Head
22 Lobster Creams
23 Western Balls
24 Zephyr Eggs