When a pig is killed, the blood should be caught in a pan, and a little
salt must be stirred in with it while yet warm, to prevent its
coagulation or thickening. This will serve to make you some hog's
puddings, excellent things in their way, and for the preparation of
which you must attend to the following instructions, viz.:--To every
pound of blood, add eight ounces of fat cut up in small squares, two
ounces of rice or grits, boiled quite soft in milk; season with pepper
and salt, chopped sage, thyme, and winter savory, and some chopped
onions boiled soft in a little milk or water; mix all these things well
together, and use a tin funnel for filling in the cleansed guts with the
preparation, taking care to tie the one end of each piece of gut with
string, to prevent waste. The puddings being thus prepared, tie them in
links, each pudding measuring about six inches in length, and when all
are tied, let them be dropped into a pot containing boiling-water, just
taken off the fire, and allow them to remain in this until they become
set, or slightly firm; the puddings must then be carefully lifted out,
and hung to a nail driven into the wall, to drain them from all excess
of moisture; and before they are fried or broiled, they must be slightly
scored with a sharp knife, to prevent them from bursting while they are
being cooked.