In France, and also in many parts of Europe, the poorer classes but very
seldom taste meat in any form; the chief part of their scanty food
consists of bread, vegetables, and more especially of their soup, which
is mostly, if not entirely, made of vegetables, or, as is customary on
the southern coasts of France, Italy, and Spain, more generally of
fish, for making which kinds of soup see Nos. 4, 6, 118, etc.
The most common as well as the easiest method for making a good mess of
cheap and nutritious soup is the following:--If you are five or six in
family, put a three-gallon pot on the fire rather more than half full of
water, add four ounces of butter, pepper and salt, and small sprigs of
winter savory, thyme, and parsley; and when this has boiled, throw in
any portion or quantity, as may best suit your convenience, of such of
the following vegetables as your garden can afford:--Any kind of
cabbages cleaned and split, carrots, turnips, parsnips, broad beans,
French beans, peas, broccoli, red cabbages, vegetable marrow, young
potatoes, a few lettuce, some chervil, and a few sprigs of mint. Allow
all this to simmer by the side of the hob for about two hours, and then,
after taking up the more considerable portion of the whole vegetables on
to a dish, eat one half, or as much as you may require, of the soup with
bread in it, and make up your dinner with the whole vegetables and more
bread. The remainder will serve for the next day. Let me persuade you,
my friends, to try and persevere in adopting this very desirable kind of
food, when in your power, for your ordinary fare. I, of course, intend
this remark more particularly for the consideration of such of my
readers as are or may be located in the country, and who may have a
little garden of their own.