Put a dozen sage leaves into a tea-pot, pour boiling water upon them,
and, after allowing the tea to stand for five or ten minutes, it may be
drunk with sugar and milk, in the same way and instead of the cheaper
kinds of teas, which are sold for foreign teas, but which are too often
composed of some kind of leaf more or less resembling the real plant,
without any of its genuine fragrance, and are, from their spurious and
almost poisonous nature, calculated to produce evil to all who consume
them, besides the drawback of their being expensive articles.
Teas made from sage leaves, dried mint, marygolds, and more
particularly the leaf of the black currant tree, form a very pleasant as
well as wholesome kind of beverage; and, if used in equal proportions,
would be found to answer very well as a most satisfactory substitute for
bad and expensive tea.