
Sweet Pickled Peaches Recipe

Select fine, fresh, ripe, but not soft peaches, peel and weigh them. To

every seven pounds of fruit take five pounds of granulated sugar, a pint

of vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon and one tablespoonful of

cloves, tie the spices up in a muslin bag, add a few pieces of stick

cinnamon and a few allspice. Put the fruit in a stone jar, bring the

sugar, vinegar and spice to a boil, pour over the peaches, cover and let

them stand until the next day, scald the syrup again and pour over the

fruit, and so on, until it has been done in all seven times. Take out

the bag of spice and put the fruit with the syrup into jars and seal.

These are much more delicious than peaches that are cooked.



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