
To Clarify Sugar Recipe

'Mongst salts essential, _sugar_ wins the palm,

For taste, for color, and for various use.

O'er all thy works let cleanliness preside,

Child of frugality; and as the scum

Thick mantles o'er the boiling wave, do thou

The scum that mantles carefully remove.


Whereof little

More than a little is by much too much.


To every three pounds of loaf sugar, allow the beaten white of an egg

and a pint and a half of water; break the sugar small, put it into a

nicely cleaned brass pan, pour the water over it; let it stand some time

before it be put upon the fire, then add the beaten white of the egg;

stir it till the sugar be entirely dissolved; when it boils up, pour in

a quarter of a pint of cold water, let it boil up a second time, take it

off the fire, let it settle for fifteen minutes, carefully take off all

the scum, let it boil again till sufficiently thick; in order to

ascertain which, drop a little from a spoon into a jar of cold water,

and if it become quite hard, it is sufficiently done, and the fruit to

be preserved must instantly be put in and boiled.



Viewed 1807 times.

Other Recipes from Sweetmeats.

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To Clarify Sugar
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