To Clarify Sugar Recipe
'Mongst salts essential, _sugar_ wins the palm,
For taste, for color, and for various use.
O'er all thy works let cleanliness preside,
Child of frugality; and as the scum
Thick mantles o'er the boiling wave, do thou
The scum that mantles carefully remove.
Whereof little
More than a little is by much too much.
To every three pounds of loaf sugar, allow the beaten white of an egg
and a pint and a half of water; break the sugar small, put it into a
nicely cleaned brass pan, pour the water over it; let it stand some time
before it be put upon the fire, then add the beaten white of the egg;
stir it till the sugar be entirely dissolved; when it boils up, pour in
a quarter of a pint of cold water, let it boil up a second time, take it
off the fire, let it settle for fifteen minutes, carefully take off all
the scum, let it boil again till sufficiently thick; in order to
ascertain which, drop a little from a spoon into a jar of cold water,
and if it become quite hard, it is sufficiently done, and the fruit to
be preserved must instantly be put in and boiled.