
To Stew Fish Brown Recipe

Here stay thy haste,

And with the _savory fish_ indulge thy taste.


Have your fish cleaned, the melts or kows being taken out whole; salt

your fish, and let it lay half an hour. Cut your onions in slices, fry

them with parsley-root, cut in long thin slices, in half a teacup of

sweet oil, till they become a fine brown. Wash and dry your fish, cut it

in pieces, put it in your stewpan, layer of fish and layer of browned

onion, &c. Take a quart of beer, half a pint of vinegar, quarter pound

of sugar, two tablespoonfuls powdered ginger, mixed well together, pour

over your fish till covered. When putting your fish in the pan, split

the head in two, and place it at the bottom, the smaller pieces on the

top, the rows uppermost; let them cook very quick. Take out your fish,

lay it nicely on a dish, mix a little flour in your gravy, give it a

boil, throw it over the fish, and let it stand to cool.



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