
Brown Artichoke Soup Recipe

Wash, peel, and cut into slices about half-an-inch thick two pounds of

Jerusalem artichokes. Fry them in a little butter until brown; fry also

brown half-a-pound of sliced onions. Put these to boil in two quarts of

water with two turnips, a carrot sliced, two teaspoonfuls of salt, and

one of pepper. When the vegetables are tender drain the liquor, set it

aside to cool, and remove all fat. Pass the vegetables through a fine

sieve to a nice smooth puree. Those who possess a Kent's "triturating

strainer" will be able to do this much more satisfactorily, both as

regards time and results, than by the old way of rubbing through a

sieve. Put the liquor on to boil, dissolve in it--according to the

strength the soup is required to be--the contents of one or two tins of

Nelson's Extract of Meat, then add the vegetable puree, a lump or two

of sugar, and if required, salt and pepper. Let it boil up and serve.



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