Veal A La Casserole Recipe
For this dish a piece of the fillet about three inches thick will be
required, and weighing from two to three pounds. It should be cut from
one side of the leg, without bone; but sometimes butchers object to
give it, as cutting in this manner interferes with cutlets. In such a
case a piece must be chosen near the knuckle, and the bone be taken out
before cooking. For a larger party, a thick slice of the fillet,
weighing about four pounds, will be found advantageous.
With a piece of tape tie the veal into a round shape, flour, and put it
into a stewpan with a small piece of butter, fry until it becomes brown
on all sides. Then put half a pint of good gravy, nicely seasoned with
pepper and salt, cover the stewpan closely, and set it on the stove to
cook very slowly for at least four hours. When done, the veal will be
exquisitely tender, full of flavour, but not the least ragged. Take the
meat up, and keep hot whilst the gravy is reduced, by boiling without
the lid of the saucepan, to a rich glaze, which pour over the meat and