People have different ways of making coffee, but a very easy one is to
measure out a tablespoonful of ground coffee for each cup desired, tie
up in a square cheesecloth, and cover with an equal number of cups of
boiling water. Set on the stove where it will keep just below the
boiling point, for three minutes, then pour and serve with cream and
sugar. But to make this way, grind very fine. If your friends prefer
boiled coffee, however, measure out a tablespoonful for each person,
moisten well with part of the white of an egg, cover with one cup of
cold water, and when that boils, add rest of the required amount from
your boiling teakettle. Cook for five minutes, then settle with a third
of a cup of cold water, and place where it will not boil up again. This
will make one cupful apiece.