
Salt Cod Recipe

But in talking of dried fish, we must not forget our old favorite,

creamed codfish. As the boxed codfish is always so salty, it is

necessary, after picking it carefully apart and removing the bones, to

let it soak in cold water for half an hour, then drain. Put half a

cupful of fish on in a stewpan, cover with cold water and let come to a

boil. Pour this off immediately, cover with fresh boiling water, and let

gently simmer for ten minutes. While it is cooking, our small maid

should rub to a smooth paste one tablespoon of flour and one tablespoon

of butter. Then adding one cup of milk and one well-beaten egg to the

codfish, she next puts in the paste, and continues to stir for five

minutes more while it is cooking. It should then be served on rounds of

hot toast.



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Other Recipes from Fish, Fresh And Dried

Delectable Garnishes
Smelts Trout And Perch
White Weak And Blue Fish
Finnan Haddie
Smoked Fish
Salt Cod